The first glance at a mirror image is always surprising. To see ourselves reflected on another device, frozen for an instant, becomes even more intense when that same instant freezes in all of its dimensions. The volume remains static, clouds of dots are mathematically interpreted as objects buried in the clouds and, eventually and just maybe, they are then found beside the images of those Greeks carved in marble that the Romans once stole to adorn Italy.
The artist was inspired in the discovery of these works, multiple times headless. Such is the case of The Wrestlers (also known as The Two Wrestlers or The Pancrastinae), in which none of the heads is an original, and even though the figure below is older and was made with a more advanced style, both heads were added after the statue was discovered and unburied. Likewise, our warriors were digitally altered with the face of two close friends of the artist, Santi and Fausti.
Digital viacrucis that begins with the burial of the analogue, and continues with the resurrection of the digital until the rise of the NFT Metadata.

The new models are also immortalizing their lascivious muscles and their apocryphal nudity, gods of a hyper communicative digital ecosystem, buried not only in an overwhelming amount of digital information,
but also in non-degradable materials, anxiously waiting to be found and resignified.
The Boys: Santi Perez de la Cruz , Faustino Acuna, Franco Spotty, Kito Shelby.